Ministry of Health condemns shipment of bacon and pasta

Ministry of Health condemns shipment of bacon and pasta

The ministry of health has condemned and ordered destroyed 54,000 kilograms (about 60 tons) of food held in storage by a local food import and distribution company.

The shipment of bacon and pasta was condemned by the environmental health division of the ministry of health as its shelf-life expiry dates had passed.

The condemned shipment came to light through a video posted to social media showing a convoy of trucks delivering the foodstuff to the Mangrove Pond landfill for disposal on Monday.

A player in the food retail business tells Starcom Network News that the condemned shipment is likely what he called ‘covid-losses’, meaning the losses suffered by businesses through inventory piling up due to the covid-19 pandemic which shut down the country for a period of time, caused a significant amount of unemployment and cut sales.

And he says it’s a dilemma facing many businesses as the impact of the pandemic drags on.

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