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Researchers Link Crime Spike to Events/Pressure from Female Partners


Amidst a recent spike in robberies authorities urge the public to improve their security as they note crime spikes often occur ahead of major entertainment events and certain key periods when certain people are desperate for money.

Director of the Criminal Justice Research and Planning Unit, Cheryl Willoughby was speaking to Starcom Network News against the background of a spate of at least four armed robberies at business places over the past week and a couple being robbed of their car at gun point on Saturday.

Mrs. Willoughby says research in Barbados and elsewhere shows there’s a link between certain crimes and particular events.

Mrs. Willoughby stresses that it’s not the responsibility of the state alone to try to keep people safe but that businesses and individuals also have to take steps to ensure their own security, including being careful about parking out,

Mrs. Willoughby also disclosed that research shows some crimes are committed because men feel pressured by female partners, especially at key times.

Director of the Criminal Justice Research and Planning Unit, Cheryl Willoughby.

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