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Band Leaders Hope for Kadooment Pick Up

festival of the bands

Kadooment band leaders hope that registrations will continue to increase over the next couple of weeks.

President of the Barbados Association of Band Leaders and Masqueraders, Anthony Layne, notes that there was a good attendance at last evening’s Festival of the Bands Kadooment Showcase.

It’s kind of steady, it hasn’t jumped significantly. Like there was some registrations today, this morning; but we are still very hopeful that over this week into the next week at least by the 22nd or so, which is next week, Friday, Saturday, Sunday; that it will pick up somewhat, but it is certainly steady and there have been some queries from Foreday, so I anticipate that foreday will pick up somewhat.”

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He also disclosed that the majority of bands leaders continue to believe the new Grand Kadooment route is the best option for a number of reasons.

The majority of bands, we voted on it since June, and the majority of the band leaders voted to stay on the highway route. , you got a lot of problems on the old route.  A lot of problems, where locations, you can’t serve no drink. You gotta lock down your truck, then you start to serve, people come and snap you drink and all of that. So this traditional route is not easy, you know, we think it is easy because the bands don’t make a big thing about it, but many of the bands have a lot of issues on the old route, many of them.

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Voice of: President of the Barbados Association of Band Leaders and Masqueraders,  Anthony Layne.

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