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UPDATE: Family makes appeal for help in locating missing young couple


Distraught friends and relatives are desperately appealing for help in locating a missing couple days after  the two went missing.

This as mystery surrounds the disappearance of 24-year-old Sherwin Parks and 25-year-old Shanice Wickham, who lived together at Gemswick, St. Phillip.

On Wednesday the police issued a missing persons notice for Mr. Parks and today issued a similar notice for Miss Wickham after she was reported missing by a female friend.

A post with photos of the missing woman has also been circulated on social media stating that she’s missing and that she’s associated with Sherwin Parks who is also missing, and asking for anyone who has information on the matter to contact one of two numbers.

One of those numbers is that for the District C police station and the other is believed to be the mobile number of a female friend of Miss Wickham. However, calls to that number have been going directly to voice mail.

The Guyana born Mr. Parks worked as a Chef. His great uncle Fitzgerald Samuels who now lives in Antigua, tells Starcom Network News he sent the young man a text on his 25th birthday, October 30th but got no response.

Mr. Parks is described as being 5 feet 6 inches tall, of a slim build and a light brown complexion.

Miss Wickham is said to be about 5 feet 7 inches tall, of a brown complexion and slim build with red-coloured locks midway down her back.

Police have issued missing person’s notices for both of them and a flier is being circulated seeking help in finding the woman.

The couple, 24 year old Sherwin Parks and 25 year old Shanice Wickham, lived together at Gemswick, St. Phillip.

On Wednesday, the police issued a missing persons for Mr. Parks and today issued a similar notice for Miss Wickham after she was reported missing by a female friend.

A post with photos of the woman has also been circulated on social media stating that she’s missing, pointing out that she’s associated with Sherwin Parks who is also missing, and asking for anyone who has information on the matter to contact one of two numbers, one of those numbers being that for the District ‘C’ police station and the other being the mobile number of a female friend of Miss Wickham.

Calls to that number have been going directly to voice mail.

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