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PM Mottley announces wide-scale reopening


Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has announced the further reopening of the Barbados economy with all businesses allowed to reopen, the weekday curfew being removed and sporting activities and parties allowed to resume from next week.
She said in an address to the nation that from June 15th, restrictions will be lifted, however, strict health protocols will be in place.
Ms. Mottley also disclosed that Child Day Care Centres will also be allowed to open from June 22nd to accommodate the parents’ return to work. Restrictions on beaches and parks have been removed.

She also revealed Public Service Vehicles will be allowed full seating capacity and half standing, but all passengers and operators must wear masks. Sporting activities can resume but with no audience and gyms are being allowed to reopen however must observe physical distancing. Parties, weddings, and banquets can also resume provided the social distance is maintained and masks worn. Gatherings over 250 people will require permission, but she advises the public to avoid handshaking and hugging.

Prime Minister Mottley says the country is not out of danger, but life has to be allowed to resume. However, she warns the decisions could be reversed if warranted.
Also, effective June 15th, the curfew will not be in place Monday to Thursday. However, from Friday to Sunday a 10 pm to 5 am curfew remains in effect.
Ms Mottley is also meeting with stakeholders next week to discuss the reopening of the air and seaports to international traffic.

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