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Trade Unions Split on Non-Nationals Holding Key Jobs

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This island’s trade unions have split views on whether non-nationals should be hired to fill key positions here.

This follows queries from Opposition Leader, Ralph Thorne, on government’s decision to hire a British national as Chief Executive Officer of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital during the ongoing estimates debate.

The National Union of Public Workers says that while Barbadians should be given preference in selection for jobs in the public service, some discretion may be utilized to fill specialized positions.

General Secretary of the NUPW, Richard Green supports the move in order to select the most suitably qualified candidate.

General Secretary of the NUPW, Richard Green

Meantime, the Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Associations supports government’s decision to have a British national as the new Chief Executive Officer of QEH.

Its General Secretary, Dennis Depeiza tells Starcom Network News the move falls in line with global trends.

General Secretary Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Associations, Dennis Depeiza

However, Communications Specialist and Information Officer for the Barbados Workers Union, Cheyne Jones says that Barbadians should be trained to fill these specialist positions.

He stresses that Barbadians should be given priority.

Communications Specialist and Information Officer for the Barbados Workers Union, Cheyne Jones.

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