Bdos/T&T Seeking Fishing Solution

Bdos/T&T Seeking Fishing Solution

Officials from Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago are to meet to discuss fishing rights in the waters between the countries and the leaders of the two states have already had discussions on the matter.

This has been disclosed by Barbados’ Ambassador to CARICOM, David Commissiong, as Tobagonian fishermen continue to complain about what they allege is Barbadians overfishing in their waters.

The All Tobago Fisher folk Association has been agitating over the matter and demanding a resolution.

Ambassador Commissiong tells Starcom Network News the two governments are working on a solution.

Meantime, President of the All Tobago Fisher Folk Association, Curtis Douglas, alleges that Barbadians are fishing illegally off Tobago and insists it won’t be tolerated.

President of the All Tobago Fisher folk, Curtis Douglas.

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