Barbados starts administering booster shots

Barbados starts administering booster shots

Barbados health authorities have commenced the administering of covid-19 booster shots as from today, starting with frontline health care workers with the third dose to be extended to the general public as well, eventually.

News broke of the move yesterday when management of  the Queen Elizabeth Hospital issued a memo to staff advising that each of them who received the second dose of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine at least 6 months ago are now eligible to receive a booster shot.

The memo stated that these booster shots will help improve the protection offered from the first two doses.

When contacted by Starcom Network News, joint coordinator of the National Vaccination Program, Dr. Elizabeth Ferdinand, who is in charge of the third dose roll out confirmed the booster shots campaign has commenced and that the official announcement is to be made tomorrow.

Dr. Ferdinand declined to go into further details except to confirm that the general public will also be able to get booster shots.

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7:30 Edition

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