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Water rescue


Last night’s heavy rainfall caused severe flooding in the city, however, Home Affairs Minister, Wilfred Abrahams, says the situation could have been much worse had Government not put measures in place to improve the drainage systems in areas such as Murphy’s pasture.

Mr. Abrahams who visited the area last night along with the Prime Minister, said that with the amount of rain that fell, flooding was unavoidable.

He was speaking to the media this morning following a presentation at the St. Bartholomew’s Primary School.

He also expressed concern about people not disposing of waste properly, which has caused the drainage systems to be cluttered.

Director of the Department of Emergency Management Kerrie Hinds tells Starcom Network News that two people had to be rescued from floodwaters at Murphy Pasture in the city. She stressed the need for the public to remain prepared as this is the busy part of the hurricane season.

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