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Study on health care financing before cabinet


The model for funding health care in Barbados could be in for a major overhaul.

Minister of Health and Wellness Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic confirms that cabinet has before it for review, a study on the matter.

The Health Minister made the revelation while responding to a question from Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley, as the estimates debate in the House of Assembly focused on that ministry’s $272m spending budget.

Bishop Atherley, who lavished praise on the minister and his health team for the work in battling the COVID-19 pandemic, also raised questions about the sustainability of the current method of funding health care.

The Health Minister said financing study is now under consideration.

Speaking about the health ministry’s plans, he detailed a strategy to deal with a shortage of nurses, declared chronic non-communicable diseases a major public health threat and announced that a national strategic plan to deal with the matter will be going to parliament shortly.

He also spoke of a national child nutrition policy being implemented and announced that 24 hour service at the David Thompson Polyclinic in St. John will commence in the next financial year.



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