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B’dos PM Mottley wants “global reset”


Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has delivered a wide-ranging address to the United Nations General Assembly calling for a global reset.

She wants reform of the UN, an overhaul of the global financial system and an end to the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Miss Mottley also referenced the trend of gun violence sweeping the Caribbean and urged efforts to stem the flow of assault rifles and other firearms into the region.

Prime Minister Mottley, who has emerged as a prominent voice in global fora for small developing states, spoke immediately following the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Miss Mottley noted Barbados’ role in leading the charge for reform on behalf of small states.

Miss Mottley drew applause when she called for a global reset on peace and urged an end to the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine.

She highlighted the global impact of war.

She also drew attention to the flow of weapons into the Caribbean. Miss Mottley is concerned about the easy availability of assault rifles in the United States, with those weapons then being shipped to the Caribbean.

Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley addressing the United Nations General Assembly this morning.

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