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Staff absent at St. Giles

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-20 at 5.13.03 PM

Classes were back to normal today at Wesley Hall Junior School following sickouts earlier this week as industrial action spread to another primary school, St. Giles.

First Vice President of the Barbados Union of Teachers, Juliane Pierre, tells Starcom Network News remedial work at Wesley Hall Junior is to commence tomorrow.

And while he awaits a briefing on St. Giles, he knows there have also been issues there.

Staff at Wesley Hall were on the job today.

First Vice President of the Barbados Union of Teachers, Juliane Pierre

When Starcom Network News visited St. Gilles this morning, a number of parents said they had been told to collect their children as teachers were on strike.

Ministry of Education officials were at the school meeting with the Principal and police officers were also on the compound.

Parents vented their frustration over the situation.

Parents and Guardians of students at the St. Giles Primary School

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