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Police called in at DLP HQ

Barbados and China Sign

The police have been called in as a new controversy erupted late Thursday afternoon at the George Street Headquarters of the Democratic Labour Party as efforts were made to convene a meeting of the party’s General Council which has previously voted to suspend the General Secretary, Steve Blackett.

As supporters of Mr. Blackett and the DLP President Dr. Ronnie Yearwood loudly protested outside the gates of the premises police arrived and spoke to party members who are said to have arrived for the meeting.

Starcom had been informed the locks to the premises had been removed by those arriving for the meeting and the police had been summoned.

Outside the gates a small group of Blackett/Yearwood supporters loudly voiced their displeasure with recent developments in the party

Meantime DLP member Paul Gibson who was attending the meeting insisted that all was well.

DLP member Paul Gibson.

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