Police called in at DLP HQ

The police have been called in as a new controversy erupted late Thursday afternoon at the George Street Headquarters of the Democratic Labour Party as efforts were made to convene a meeting of the party’s General Council which has previously voted to suspend the General Secretary, Steve Blackett. As supporters of Mr. Blackett and the […]
Women robbed at Culloden Road

A daylight snatch and grab robbery at Culloden Road, St. Michael has left onlookers stunned and concerned about some of the trends in the country. Starcom Network News understands that the incident happened around 2 30 this afternoon when a woman who was walking along the street was approached by a man who snatched a […]
Long Bay residents call for improved lighting/more police patrols after armed robbery

Residents of Long Bay St. Philip want increased police presence following a robbery at a business place last night. Starcom Network News understands an armed man, dressed in hooded long sleeve shirt and black pants entered a shop in the area around 730 p.m. and demanded money. Reports also suggest that man stole about 1 […]
BRA owed $1.8 billion/urges taxpayers to pay up

Companies and individuals owe the Barbados Revenue Authority some 1.8 billion dollars in outstanding taxes. This has been disclosed by the BRA’s Communications Manager, Carolyn Williams-Gayle, who stresses the need for those who owe to come forward and pay. She notes the concerns shared about the online filing system but emphasizes that it’s intended to […]
Armed robbery at St. Philip shop

A gunman last night robbed a shop at Long Bay, St. Philip. Starcom Network News understands that the incident happened about ten minutes to ten at Mr. Golden’s shop. Reports indicate that a man armed with a gun entered the business place and demanded money. He is said to have stolen about one thousand dollars. […]