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Police Service on recruitment drive/salaries to be regraded

Dale Marshall police recruits

The Barbados Police Service, currently 300 officers short of its established complement,  is continuing a recruitment drive.

Meantime, a government regrading may raise police salaries as part of efforts to make the job more attractive.

Attorney General Dale Marshall has been providing Starcom Network News with an update on the police staffing situation as the service undertakes a recruitment outreach at various locations across the country.

Mr. Marshall notes that the service has been operating with a staffing shortfall for several decades and says that nevertheless the officers have been doing a very good job in policing the country.

He highlighted the recruitment efforts.

By July this year construction of two additional dormitories commences at the Regional Police Training Centre to accommodate a larger number of applicants.

Meantime the Attorney General notes that terms and conditions of police officers remain an issue in relation to the attractiveness of policing as a career, especially in the starting ranks.

He says this issue is being addressed in the regrading of the public service and should result in increases in salaries on top of the increased benefits for some parts of the service announced by the Prime Minister in her Budget Speech.

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