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Shock Over Shooting Near Family Fun Day Event


A number of people including children have been left traumatized by a reported shootout in the vicinity of a family fun day event at Archer’s Bay, St. Lucy yesterday.

An account of the alleged exchange of gunfire has been making the rounds on social media and one of the people who were there confirmed to Starcom News that gunmen fired at a man who returned fire near where a number of people of various ages were gathered, including small children.
The shooting occurred close to the end of an event called a summer fun day and lime that was scheduled to take place from 10 am to 6pm at the Sip and Lick Beach Bar at Archers Bay.

One of the people present gave Starcom Network News an account of what transpired. We have disguised their choice to protect their identity.

The person spoke of how traumatizing the experience was.

The police say responding officers found no evidence that anyone was injured.

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