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FTC to Hand Down Final Decision on Electricity Rate Hike Request


It’s now just a matter of time before electricity customers find out whether they will face a rate hike and if so how much.

After a second hearing on the matter, the Fair Trading Commission is to hand down its final decision on the Barbados Light and Power Company’s request for an eight percent hike in electricity rates.

The FTC today concluded a two-day hearing promising to rule on the matter in due course.

The public hearing that commenced yesterday followed the power company filing an application for the FTC to stay and review its decision announced in February as a result of the first hearing.

The power company warns that an unfavourable ruling on their rate hike request could have implications for investment in the power supply infrastructure.

A key issue in the hearing has been how the company used money from its Self-Insurance Fund – as articulated in yesterday’s session by attorney at Law Tricia Watson, one of the rate increase objectors.

But today, the lead attorney for Barbados Light and Power Company, Kings Counsel, Ramon Alleyne, insisted that the more than one hundred million dollars taken out of the fund came not from customers but from the company’s profits.

So, in his opinion, the money belonged to Barbados Light and Power.

He warned that the outcome of the hearing could have implications for needed investment in electricity infrastructure and the service provided.

Lead attorney for Barbados Light and Power Company, Kings Counsel, Ramon Alleyne.

Wrapping up today’s session the hearing Chairman, Dr. Donley Carrington, the FTC’s Deputy Chairman, gave notice that a final decision would be made and communicated.

Dr. Donley Carrington, the FTC’s Deputy Chairman and Chair of the rate review.

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