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Attempted Armed Robbery at Mechanic Shop/Police Issue Crime Alerts

arm robbery

A St. George mechanic shop has become the latest target in a string of recent burglaries and armed robberies or attempted robberies.

Two armed men today attempted to rob Pete’s Auto Shop, which is located near the St. George Parish Church at Glebe Land.

Several shots were fired by the robbers but no one was injured.

Glebe Land resident, Cloven Gaskin told Starcom Network News about what transpired.


Glebe Land resident, Cloven Gaskin.

The police have issued security alerts to the public against the background of the series of recent robberies and burglaries.

Police Crime Prevention Officer, Inspector Stephen Griffith, warns of thieves using roofs as their entry point to homes and businesses.

Inspector Griffith offers additional security advice.

Police Crime Prevention Officer, Inspector Stephen Griffith.

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