Spring Garden Fault Triggers Island-Wide Power Outage

Spring Garden Fault Triggers Island-Wide Power Outage

A problem at the Barbados Light and Power Company’s Spring Garden Plant was the cause of an island-wide power outage today.

The outage caused some businesses and government offices to close, put telephone and traffic lights offline and affected the water supply to some districts.

The Barbados Light and Power Company’s Manager of Communications Jackie Marshall Clarke says power was fully restored after 5pm.

The Barbados Light and Power Company’s Manager of Communications Jackie Marshall Clarke.

Meantime, the power supply to some Barbados Water Authority pumping stations was affected.

Some had to switch to back-up power.

The BWA’s Marketing Officer, Yvette Harris-Griffith provided an update earlier today.

The Barbados Water Authority’s Marketing Officer, Yvette Harris-Griffith.

Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Rodney Inniss, noted that non-functioning traffic lights created some challenges but no serious accidents.

Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Rodney Inniss.

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