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Cherry: “I Need Help”


Businessman Anderson Cherry is appealing for help from government as he claims some businesses are being given an unfair advantage while others like his essentially go bankrupt for lack of work.

Mr. Cherry, the Chief Executive Officer of the Jose and Jose Group, in an emotional contribution on VOB’s Down to Brasstacks call-in program claimed that some businesses are allowed to purchase fuel and equipment duty free.

He urged the government to grant all the players in the waste hauling and heavy equipment sector the same duty concessions he claims have been given to the biggest operators and called for a more equitable awarding of contracts.

Businessman Anderson Cherry.

Also speaking on the program, President of the Barbados Contractors and Artisans Co-op Society, Troy Williams, highlighted the challenges some of the smaller players are experiencing including access to financing and he too appealed for the opportunity to get government contracts.

President of the Barbados Contractors and Artisans Co-op Society, Troy Williams

Meantime,  Professor Don Marshall, Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Research at the UWI,  Cave Hill, sees need for governments to pursue policies that more equitably distribute wealth.

Professor of political economy, Dr. Don Marshall.

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