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Singing Francine Passes

singing francine

Barbados-born calypso icon Singing Francine has passed away in Queen’s New York after suffering a heart attack.

She was 79 years old.

Born Francine Bonita Edwards at Dayrells Road, St. Michael, Francine moved to Trinidad and Tobago more than fifty years ago as a teenager.

She later moved to New York but travelled often between the two countries performing and also did gigs in Barbados where she performed with the Cave Sheperd All Stars.

Francine was well known for numerous Christmas songs including “Parang Parang” and social commentaries such as Run Away.

She had open-heart surgery two years ago after a heart attack.

Her only child Shirley Cumberbatch, who grew up in Barbados, spoke to Starcom Network News.

Shirley Cumberbatch, the daughter of Singing Francine.

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