Police See Declining Respect for Officers

Police See Declining Respect for Officers

As the police battle an upsurge in violent crime, the service is concerned about declining respect for law and order and resistance to police doing their duties.

The situation was outlined by Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Rodney Inniss, on VOB’s Down to Brass Tacks call-in program.

He was responding to an issue raised by a caller who said her grandson had been taken off a bus last Thursday evening after he refused to put his facemask on as requested to do so by an officer.

But at the prompting of the moderator, David Ellis, the caller conceded that her grandson did not comply with an instruction given by a police officer.

The police public relations officer, Inspector Rodney Inniss, called into the program to ask the lady to contact him on the matter.

But, he also voiced concern about declining respect for the police.

The police public relations officer, Inspector Rodney Inniss

Starcom Network
Starcom Network
Lunchtime Edition

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