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CBC/Transport Board In For Major Reform Under New BERT Programme


Major public sector restructuring will form part of government’s IMF-endorsed stage two BERT program.

It will touch key state agencies such as the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation and the Transport Board, while government has also confirmed its plan to exit the sugar sector saying it can no longer afford it.

This has been announced by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley in the House of Assembly today as she served notice that Barbados is embarking on an accelerated IMF-approved  economic reform program.

Miss Mottley hinted at the extent of the planned reforms when she told the chamber that the renewed program will require even more effort and commitment from the population.

She spoke as government formally introduced in Parliament, the new Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation program being undertaken under the new deal recently agreed with the International Monetary Fund.


The Transport Board will also be affected along with other state-owned enterprises.






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