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Local Boutiques Anticipate Rush Shopping for Tipsy Event


Local boutiques anticipate an increase in clothing sales in the next few days for the 2022 edition of Tipsy All White Party.

As tickets are selling out for the event on July 17, clothing store owners say so far sales have been looking good.

The owner of 246 Apparel, Shennique Lewis says already she has sold out a lot of her all-white clothing and awaiting a fresh stock to come, by the weekend.


Voice of: Owner of 246 Apparel, Shennique Lewis.

Another boutique, JA Apparel says they have had a lot of inquiries for all-white clothing.


Voice of: Staff at JA Apparel

They both expect a rush of sales on the day and hours leading up to the event.



Voice of: Owner of 246 Apparel, Shennique Lewis.


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