Price Ease


Government has intervened yet again with a promise of price support following a major increase in the price of chicken.

However, farmers say the subsidy by government to Pinnacle Feeds may only reduce the amount of the price increase but not eliminate it.

This country’s largest chicken producer Chickmont Foods had confirmed an increase in its prices with others suppliers to follow after the lone local feed manufacturer increased its prices by more than twenty percent.

Starcom Network News has learnt that Minister of Agriculture, Indar Weir, yesterday convened an emergency zoom meeting with the farmers and pledged that government would provide a further three months of price support to Pinnacle Feeds.

A representative of one of the major chicken suppliers told Starcom Network News that if the price support comes through they will reduce their prices but stressed the subsidy will not be enough to prevent a price increase, just reduce the amount by which the price of chicken goes up.


President of the Barbados Agricultural Society, Peter Chase, confirmed the meeting and the offer of price support.

But he also says nothing happens until the money is actually paid.

Mr. Chase highlighted the plight of dairy farmers who he says are among the worst affected as the lone milk distributor Pine Hill Dairy has total control of the price they are paid.

He notes that this comes on top of increased water bills that some farmers are struggling to pay.


Jason Sambrano, Managing Director at Roberts Manufacturing and Director of Pinnacle Feeds tells Starcom Network News that the subsidy, if it comes through, will reduce the price increase by about half.


And with consumers already reacting to the price hikes managing director of Carlton and A1 Supermarkets, Andrew Bynoe, stresses that the supermarkets are not to blame.

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