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Mental Challenge


The covid-19 pandemic has also created a major mental health challenge for Barbados.

This has been disclosed by Director of the Psychiatric Hospital, David Leacock, speaking to Starcom Network News, against the background of a recent rash of suicides and suicide attempts.

Mr. Leacock indicates that the economic disruption and loss of jobs has taken a toll on people’s mental state.

Mr. Leacock says the prolonged nature of the pandemic is  creating a sense of despair for some people. So heavy is the demand for mental health services that some doctors have had to postpone their vacation.

Meantime, the Psychiatric Hospital has been declared covid free following the previous discovery of a large cluster of covid cases there.

Mr. Leacock tells Starcom Network News that in total 13 staff and 54 patients had tested positive, but there have been no positives there for the past two weeks.

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