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Emergency measures extended; certain stay-at-home days specified


A new emergency management directive goes into effect Sunday, March 28 through April 11, 2021, with certain stay-at-home days specified during this period.

Directive No. 7 issued by the Government of Barbados today, noted Sunday 28th March, Friday 2nd April, Sunday 4th April, Monday 5th April and Sunday 11th April 2021, are days persons are not allowed to leave their residence between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m, with a few exceptions.

Those who may be operating or working in a business, transacting business, going to a place of worship, going to the beach or park to exercise, taking part in the COVID-19 vaccination process will be allowed to go about their business on Sunday.

Among the other exceptions for Sundays are bakeries for the baking of bread only between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., cleaning services, farms from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., gas stations for the sale of fuel and top-ups between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., as well as fuel distributors, hotels, villas and other rental accommodation, pharmacies, and tyre repair shops. The sugar factories can operate for the entire day.

Most of the existing conditions previously announced in the phased reopening remain.

Key points

*Curfew will be 9 am to 5 a.m.

*Businesses can remain open from Monday through Saturday and must close by 6 p.m.

*Bars, gyms, cinemas, dance and yoga studios, dojos, and night clubs remain closed.

*Pleasure craft and private boat charters are prohibited.

* Churches must maintain six feet for worship, with no more than 75 in-house and 25 for funerals. Weddings are permitted up to 20 guests.

*Non-contact sports are allowed with the exception of squash and table tennis and no team sports are permitted.

*Fast food restaurants allowed to operate between Monday and Saturday for drive-thru or pick-up only.

* In-house dining continues at restaurants, but with bars closed, alcoholic beverages can only be served with food. Physical distancing is be maintained in these places.

*The beaches remain open for exercise from 6 to 9 a.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m.

*A person may only visit a beach or a park for the purpose of swimming or exercise.

*A person who is in a public place must continue wearing a face mask

*Parks will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., but no more than 2 persons shall exercise together, in which case there shall be a physical distance of at least 6 feet between them unless they are members of the same household”.

* Sundays continue to remain closed to commercial activity.

*Any person who gives false or misleading information to a member of the Police Force, the Defence Force or a member of the COVID-19 Protocol Monitoring Unit,  as to their reason for leaving home between hours not permitted contravenes this Directive.












View pages 30-40 for further details.

Gaz March 26 2021 S. I 2021 No. 18-24

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