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BNA welcomes hazard pay


Some categories of nurses and other medical staff at the and Isolation centres, have begun receiving outstanding back pay and hazard allowance.

It comes a day after the head of the COVID-19 communications team, Ambassador Liz Thompson, said monies approved for payment in November would be released.

President of the Barbados Nurses Association, Joanna Waterman, told Starcom Network News, they’re happy with the development.


Ms. Waterman says nurses across the board are placing their lives a risk and require compensation.

Several healthcare and other categories of frontline workers are up in arms about not being included in the hazard pay allowance.

Some nurses at polyclinics as well as workers at the air and seaport told Starcom Network News that they’re upset about not also receiving the additional money.

The rates for hazard pay start with the Consultant at $60.00 per day, a  Medical Doctor at $55.00, Registered Nurse $50.00,  Nursing Assistant I/II $40.00, a Physiotherapist $35.00 daily, a Technical/Paramedical Worker at $30.00 daily and Administrative and ancillary staff will receive $20.00 per day.

When contacted for a response to the grumblings among some categories of workers who are excluded, President of the National Union of public workers Akanni McDowell declined to comment at this time saying a zoom meeting is planned for Thursday and they want to hear from the workers first.

When asked about the pay structure and how the categories were chosen, he said he could not say how, as it was a process the NUPW was never partied to.

President of the National Union of Public Workers, Akanni McDowell, declined to comment on the matter and said they will speak to workers first on Thursday via a zoom meeting.



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