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BCCI forecasts slow economic activity

Trisha Tannis

President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trisha Tannis, sees a possibly slow and difficult economic recovery after Barbados took a big economic hit this year from the covid-19 pandemic with a double digit decline.

This as Central Bank Governor Cleviston Haynes predicts there could be economic growth in excess of seven percent in 2021 after experiencing what he calls a major shock this year.

Delivering his economic review for the first nine months of this year Mr. Haynes projected economic recovery for next year even though he conceded there were still uncertainties due to the unpredictable nature of the covid-19 pandemic.

And President of the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trisha Tannis, wonders if that forecast is somewhat optimistic given the cloud of uncertainty still hovering over tourism, the main driver of the economy.

But Executive Director of the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Professor of finance  Dr. Justin Robinson doesn’t think seven percent is unrealistic in the circumstances.


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