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Crop Over 2020?

crop over

It appears very likely there may be no Crop Over Festival this year.
Starcom Network News understands that when cabinet meets on Thursday, a key issue will be the implications for the national festival in light of the COVID-19 outbreak; and, an announcement could be made by Friday.
There had already been indications that the three-month festival that usually runs from May to August would be postponed until at least November.
But now well-placed sources tell Starcom Network News that with so much uncertainty over how the COVID-19 pandemic will play out, the chances of holding Crop Over this year are slim.

Antigua which holds their national carnival around the same time as Crop Over has already signalled there’ll be none this year…in fact Antigua’s Minister of Culture, Darryl Matthew says it would be irresponsible to do so.

It appears that’s the thinking in Barbados right now, and several of the key players tell Starcom Network News that despite the financial hit many in the sector will take as a result, that’s probably the best thing to do.

Richard Haynes is Chief Executive Officer of South Central Entertainment and Chairman of Baje International doesn’t see the festival coming off this year.

Russell Grant, Director of MGP Entertainment; producers of Mimosa,  also weighed in.

Chetwin Stewart, President of the Barbados Association of Bandleaders and Masqueraders, says the association will await the official decision by government but said that speaking in his personal capacity, he’s doubtful of anything happening this year.

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