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Private Sector Key To 2030 Goals


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Jerome Walcott, says it is critical that government and the private sector create partnerships as the best hope towards achieving the sustainable development goals.

Speaking at the Private Sector Dialogue on the 2030 Agenda and the SDG’s at United Nations House, Dr. Walcott says the private sector has the most critical role to play in the process.

The private sector of Barbados says it is onboard with what needs to be done as it pertains to the economic and social development of the island and region.

Chairman of the Barbados Private Sector Association, Ed Clarke, said one of the 17 goals they wanted to see achieved was that of food security and they presented a paper on it at the recently held Caricom heads of Government meeting.

He said they are willing to help but the role of the sector has to be clearly mapped out.

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