The Barbados Water Authority calls in the police suspecting sabotage.

It appears the Barbados Water Authority may be suspecting sabotage was behind the collapse of several of its newly reinstalled community water tanks and the police have been called in to investigate. Video has surfaced on social media showing several damaged tanks and reports indicate that some of the community tanks installed in the parishes […]

Progress reported in talks between officials of the Transport Authority and the newly-formed Public Service Vehicle Workers Association.

Both sides are reporting success in resolving a number of issues after a four-hour meeting today between officials of the Barbados Transport Authority and the newly-formed Public Service Vehicle Workers Association which staged a strike yesterday. Chairman of the Transport Authority Ian Estwick says that while theybwere not able to fully resolve all the issues, […]

The BAMC and the BWU conclude talks on a retrenchment exercise to commence soon.

The Barbados Agricultural Management Company – BAMC – today concluded talks with the Barbados Workers Union on proposed layoffs at the state-agency…clearing the way for commencement shortly of a planned retrenchment exercise. The BAMC is responsible for the operation of the lone remaining sugar factory at Portvale as well as the management of seven thousand […]