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Dr Holder Against Attacks on Homosexuals


Anglican Archbishop of Barbados and the West Indies, Dr. John Holder, is cautioning against attacking members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.

He was responding to a question about the church’s position on LGBT matters, during a media briefing yesterday to launch the upcoming Anglican Diocesan service, which is scheduled for this Sunday at the Kensington Oval.

He said, “I think it is sad when persons get up, as Christians and ridicule another human being and give the impression that they (homosexuals) are children of the devil and not children of God. We don’t do that. Our clear position is that every  human being is a child of God and whatever may be their orientation or whatever, our role is to support them. If we think they’re going wrong our role is to redirect them, but not to condemn them.”


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