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The Finance Minister says that there will be no devaluation of the Barbados dollar under his watch.

Chris Sinckler made the declaration during the debate on the Bank Tax on Assets Bill 2017 in the House of Assembly on Tuesday evening, following the Opposition Leader’s call for the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister to speak on the economy.

He said, “there’s not going to be any devaluation of the dollar under this administration. If the next one (BLP) wants to do it, they will do it when they become the government, if they become the government. I can tell you right now, I would resign as Minister of Finance!”

Mr. Sinckler also dismissed any notion that an International Monetary Fund programme is being considered by the government. “The IMF has come here on several occasions because we have asked them for technical assistance on a number of matters … the fiscal affairs department on fiscal policy we said that we were going to engage them, we asked them to come. They (IMF) come sometimes, quarterly.”

Mr Sinckler has also stressed that government is not being secretive about the state of the economy, revealing that the Statistical Department will be issuing a statement on the economy soon.

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