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Combermere Old Scholars and PTA to Meet Principal on Saturday


cawmereA special meeting of the Combermere School’s Parent Teachers’ Association and the Old Scholars’ Association will be held this Saturday to discuss a way forward for the school.

Economist and Combermere School Old Scholar, Jeremy Stephen, made the announcement during a live feed on his Facebook page, after calling for action on the recent environmental issues impacting the institution. On Tuesday, the Ministry of Education announced that Combermere would be closed indefinitely after students and teachers continued to complain of feeling ill as the result of a foul odour on the campus.

He says the meeting will be used to pressure the Ministry of Education and the school’s principal for answers to critical questions.

Mr Stephen says, “we are going to pressure the principal for more answers to what going on, really going on, and what can be done within his power and to allow us, past Combermerians and others with a vested interest in the school a chance to finance or to help, if it is with money, time or resources to help more intricately with the development of our school.”

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