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SSA workers back on the job after a work stoppage

SSA strike 2

Sanitation Service Authority Workers are back on the job after a work stoppage this morning to back demands for disbursement of an incentive payment they say was promised by government.

Richard Greene, the General Secretary of the National Union of Public Workers, met this morning with the SSA employees.

He told reporters that the union has been in discussion with SSA management on the incentive payments and termed the dispute a misunderstanding.

Mr. Greene instructed the NUPW members to go back to work.

Richard Greene, the General Secretary of the National Union of Public Workers.

Some of the SSA workers are represented by the Unity Workers Union, whose General Secretary, Caswell Franklyn, earlier in the day promised a fight on the matter.

Meantime, SSA Chairman, Ramon Alleyne, tells Starcom Network News the details of the proposed incentive payment are still being worked out.

But he stresses that the initiative is the result of an offer made by the government and is not the result of any union request.

SSA Chairman, Ramon Alleyne.  

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