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Man shot in armed robbery

arm robbery

A man is in serious condition after being shot during an armed robbery in St. Philip last night.

The incident happened at around 10:30 pm at Lendees, a food business operated at a residence at Apply Hall main road.

Starcom Network News understands that two men, both of whom were armed entered the establishment.

The 54-year-old proprietor was in the restaurant accompanied by three adults and two ten-year-old children.

One of the armed men demanded that the proprietor hand over the day’s takings while the other man ordered those present not to move.

We understand that the proprietor handed over the money but that one of the other people, a staff member, moved and was shot in the stomach by the second assailant.

Both armed men then ran away with the money.

The injured person was taken to the QEH in a private vehicle and was listed as serious.

The owner of the business Dave Gooding spoke to Starcom Network about the ordeal.

He said the children, who are relatives, are receiving counselling.

Gooding also told Starcom Network he will not be reopening the business next weekend.

Owner of Lendees Weekend Food Spot, Dave Gooding.      

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