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No meeting to replace Browne with Lashley, says BLP

Pat Parris

The Barbados Labour Party denies there’s any meeting scheduled to consider having Michael Lashley replace Dr. Sonia Browne as the BLP’s candidate for the St. Phillip North constituency in the next general election.

Chief Executive Officer of the BLP, Senator Patricia Parris, issued the denial after being asked by Starcom Network News about the viral social media post that was in circulation over the weekend.

The post alleges that, Mr. Lashley, a former Democratic Labour Party MP and cabinet minister was being considered by the leadership of the ruling DLP to replace Dr. Browne, the sitting MP, as the BLP candidate when next elections are called.

And while, Mr. Lashley has made no comment on the matter, political scientist Devaron Bruce, believes that movements may be taking place behind the scenes and he explains why he thinks such a move would make sense.

Another political scientist, Dr. George Belle, believes the Lashley factor could be critical for both parties.

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