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Irate customer stabs store attendant

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An employee of a St. Michael store has been stabbed in the mouth by an irate customer who is now being sought by police.

The incident happened about a quarter past noon at the J.E. General Store at Black Rock main road, St. Michael.

Starcom Network News understands that the injured store worker is a 25-year-old female St James resident.

According to sources, the woman was working in the store along with a close relative when the assailant entered and asked about items, which one of the women went to the rear of the store to obtain.

When she returned to the front, the assailant was not satisfied, and a quarrel ensued between the assailant and the store employee resulting in the employee being stabbed in the mouth by the enraged customer who then exited the store.

The incident was captured on surveillance video, which has been making the rounds on social media.

The injured woman was taken to the Branford Taitt Polyclinic for medical treatment.

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