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Govt hits back at Opposition over “corruption” charges

Cutlass scare at Deighton Griffith - 2025-01-17T174940.359

Government and the Opposition have traded charges and countercharges in parliament about corruption with Opposition leader Ralph Thorne demanding answers about the Hope project and the government side listing a series of scandals surrounding the previous Democratic Labour Party administration.

The exchanges erupted during the debate on a resolution to vest in the National Housing Corporation, 18 acres of land at Searles, Christ Church for a housing development.

Minister of Housing and Lands, Dwight Sutherland, said more than a hundred houses will be built at Searles.

In his contribution to the debate, Opposition leader Ralph Thorne raised concerns about the Hope project and the proposed development at Searles and also criticized what he says is the removal of land from agriculture and using it for housing.

But those allegations drew an immediate response from the government MPs with Minister of Agriculture Indar Weir noting that change of use for the land from agriculture to housing was done under the previous administration not the current government.

And in his wrap up, the Housing Minister refuted allegations of government corruption and listed a series of questionable deals under the previous administration.

Minister of Housing Lands, Dwight Sutherland.

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