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Freight costs pushing up food prices, importer warns

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Food retailers say shipping costs continue to trend upwards and this has implications for food prices although some supermarkets have been seeking to delay those price hikes.

The World Bank, its recent economic outlook report for Latin America and the Caribbean states that food and energy prices are still elevated relative to their pre-pandemic trend and that the ongoing war in Ukraine, compounded by droughts that have affected vast parts of South America continue to put upward pressure on food prices that may be exacerbated by worsening geopolitical tensions.

Meantime, the food prices trend for Barbados has been outlined by the Manager of Hill Milling Company and Hills Supermarket, Richard Ashby.

He says freight costs have increased significantly, explaining that, for example, the cost of a container from Miami and shipping from South America has doubled.

He told Starcom Network News that supermarkets often delay raising prices leading to sudden increases when they eventually do.

Manager of Hill Milling Company, Richard Ashby

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