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CBC contract workers get delayed July pay averting possible industrial action


Some of the scores of contract workers at the state-owned Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation have started to receive their delayed July salaries, averting what they say was possible industrial action.

A statement forwarded to Starcom Network News on behalf of some of the contract employees of the government-operated radio and TV station says that a shutdown of operations at the CBC was averted when some contract workers saw their July salaries deposited into their accounts after 3:00 p.m. today, Friday.

The statement notes that these contract workers now account for a large portion of the CBC staff and perform essential functions for the Corporation.

It adds that they typically receive their pay around the 13th of the month but had been informed via email from the CEO last Tuesday, August 13th, that their July salaries would be delayed.

The CBC workers say the situation caused widespread unease and that both contract workers and permanent staff expressed dissatisfaction with how the matter was handled.

Allegedly, some staff members stayed away from work in protest at the treatment of the contract workers while others have effectively been on a go-slow.

In February last year, the Barbados Workers’ Union said it was closely following the situation at the CBC after the state agency indicated it might not be able to meet its financial commitments to its staff going forward.

Back then, CBC management had issued a memo to staff stating that the corporation’s cash flow continued to worsen and as a result, it was possible that going forward it might be unable to pay salaries on time.

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