BTMI/B’town Merchahts pleased with Crop Over

BTMI/B’town Merchahts pleased with Crop Over

Chairman of the Board of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Incorporated Shelly Williams considers this year’s Crop Over Festival to have been a major success tourism-wise.

Mrs. Williams highlighted the attendance of many influencers as well as celebrities including Barbados’ National Hero Rihanna.

She emphasized the importance of stakeholder collaboration.

Chair of the Board of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Incorporated Shelly Williams  

An increase in the number of Crop Over events this season has resulted in a general boost in sales for some Bridgetown retailers.

This is according to Chairman of Bridgetown Revitalization Committee, Businessman, Eddy Abed.

Mr. Abed said business has been good.

Chairman of Bridgetown Revitalization Committee, Eddy Abed.  

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