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Church leaders support weekend of prayer/ worry that B’dians are turning away from God

Lucille Baird David Durant

Church leaders support the Prime Minister’s call for a weekend of prayer and reflection in response to a resurgence of gun violence and complain that the country appears to be turning away from god and losing respect for the church.

Senior church figures, Apostle Lucille Baird and Reverend David Durant were reacting to last evening’s statement by Prime Minister Mia Mottley in which she appealed for a national effort to build what she called a common peace.

Miss Mottley wants the country to pause for five minutes at midday on Saturday for silent reflection and also said the country must immediately address the absence of religious and moral grounding of the nation’s children.

Apostle Dr. Lucille Baird, Senior Pastor of Mount Zion Missions tells Starcom Network News that the prominence of the church in national life needs to be restored.

She fears that Barbadians are turning away from god

She supports the weekend of prayer but wants the government to go further.

Apostle Dr. Lucille Baird, Senior Pastor of Mount Zion Missions.

Reverend David Durant, Senior Pastor of Restoration Ministries, echoed similar sentiments but also issued a special appeal for young men to put down the guns and turn away from crime and violence.

Reverend David Durant, Senior Pastor of Restoration Ministries.

Prime Minister Mottley’s Director of Citizen Engagement and Media Relations, Roy Morris, is urging the public to become more engaged in the fight against crime.

He was speaking to moderator, Dr. Kristina Hinds on today’s edition of VOB’s Down to Brasstacks call-in program.

Government’s Director of Citizen Engagement and Media Relations, Roy Morris.

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