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Teachers want action on school plant at Wesley Hall Junior

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-18 at 3.16.39 PM

Staff of the Wesley Hall Junior School have told Ministry of Education Officials about a long list of issues at the school ranging from rodents, roach and mold infestation, lack of maintenance and inadequate security.

The issues were outlined in a meeting at the school that was convened by the Education Ministry to hear the concerns of the school’s staff who staged a sickout on Monday and Tuesday causing classes to be curtailed.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting, of the Barbados Union of Teachers First Vice President, Julian Pierre, said the staff are frustrated and the issues need to be addressed.

He disclosed that teachers will be on the job tomorrow and work on the school plant is to be carried out over the weekend.

Barbados Union of Teachers First Vice President, Julian Pierre

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