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Thorne/Stuart condemn “fake news” Whatsapp message

fake phone

The Democratic Labour Party leadership and party member Kemar Stuart have disassociated themselves from a document claiming to be from the opposition leader’s office about an alleged accelerated DLP election plan and new appointments within the party.

The document was distributed via WhatsApp and came from a United States telephone number.

It contained DLP member Kemar Stuart’s picture and name and claimed that the sender was speaking in the capacity of public relations and economic policy officer in the Leader of the Opposition’s Office.

The statement listed six members of the party as supposed campaign coordinators, claimed that former leaders of the party had been appointed as “DLP Shepherds” with responsibility for guidance and care of election candidates and that the Families First Program was being relaunched as part of a new accelerated election plan to prepare the DLP to be ready in the event of a snap general election.

However, when contacted by Starcom Network News, Mr. Stuart said he has no affiliation with or knowledge of either the number that the message was sent from or any information within the document.

He added that this, along with other incidents, makes him feel uneasy as it follows a handwritten letter that was sent to his house warning him not to speak about the Prime Minister.

Meantime, Opposition leader, Ralph Thorne told Starcom Network News that the information was fake.

He called it political terrorism against the party.

Mr. Thorne says the party is looking to take legal action on the matter.

Opposition Leader Ralph Thorne

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Starcom Network
Lunchtime Edition 20 March 2025

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