No extension of tax filing deadline

There’s been a rush of people seeking to file their taxes on the last day for doing so as many appeal for an extension of the deadline but the Barbados Revenue Authority makes clear there will be none. Long lines of people queued outside BRA’s Bridge Street, Bridgetown office all day, many expressing their frustration […]
Economic rebound continues

The Barbados Central Bank reports the economy grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter of the year driven by what the Governor Dr. Kevin Greenidge describes as an extraordinary performance by the tourism sector. This is the twelfth consecutive quarter of economic growth as the Barbados economy showed a consistent upward trajectory over the […]
Hit and Run Concern

Following an unprecedented three road fatalities in three days, two of them hit and run, the police and the road safety association are appealing to motorists to be more careful, and are worried about the hit and run trend. Meanwhile, the motor insurance sector wants a crackdown on unlicensed and uninsured drivers and vehicles. This […]
Third road fatality in three days

Barbados has recorded its third road fatality and second hit and run in three days. The deceased has been identified as 75 year old Ainsley Bradshaw of Kings Court, Lodge Road, Christ Church, who is the victim in the 6th fatal road traffic collision of 2024. The police say officers from the Oistins station were […]