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Jockey seriously injured; 2 horses put down after racing incident

horse racing

A jockey has been injured and two horses had to be put down after an incident during Saturday’s racing at the Garrison Savannah.

The incident happened sometime after 4 p.m. during race seven of the eight-race schedule at the Garrison Savannah.

Starcom Network News understands that jockey Anderson Trotman’s horse stumbled and fell causing another horse to fall while a third horse was kicked and injured during the incident.

One spectator, Graham Bannister who was at the race told Starcom Network News what he saw.

A spectator, Graham Bannister

Two of the horses, Ash Ridge and Delilah had to be euthanized due to their injuries, the third horse Heroes Day was not injured.

Meantime, Trotman reportedly suffered a broken leg, injury to his hip, a concussion, and a laceration to his forehead.

He was transported to the hospital by ambulance and was to undergo surgery.

After the incident, races were delayed but the eighth and final race eventually went ahead.

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