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Govt and Opposition Spar in the Senate Over Merits of the Recent Budget

Lisa and Tricia

The government side and the opposition have sparred in the Senate over the recent budgetary proposals with the administration insisting the public is seeing the benefits of government’s efforts to restore confidence and stability to the economy.

Government emphasised the economic and fiscal progress after what it alleges was the mismanagement of the previous administration followed by the ravishes of the covid-19 pandemic.

There were frequent exchanges and interjections as newly-appointed Opposition Senator Tricia Watson sought to counter the assertions of Leader of Government Business in the Upper Chamber, Senator Lisa Cummings, who defended her administration’s management of the economy and state finances.

Leading off debate on the appropriations bill, Senator Cummins, the Minister of Energy and Business Development insisted that any money borrowed or taxes levied have been well spent in the interest of the people of the country.

She argues that the people of the country can see the benefits of government’s efforts.

Senator Lisa Cummins, Leader of Government Business in the Senate and Minister of Energy and Business Development.

However, in response, Opposition Senator Tricia Watson lambasted government’s recent budgetary proposals saying what was presented was a manifesto not a budget.

She describes it as being long on concessions for the business class but only promises for the ordinary man.

Senator Watson insists the budget is a disappointment for the public that she says is suffering under the pressure of high prices.

Senator Watson also urged the public to be careful about the promise of no new taxes as she insisted the government was yet to explain how it would make up the shortfall of the 1.5 billion dollar deficit.

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