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16k Seat Stadium Planned/Mini-Stadia In Progress


Government has outlined plans for the construction of a new 16 thousand seat national stadium at Waterford, St. Michael with 13 mini-stadia also under construction around the country.

Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, Charles Griffith, and officials of his ministry provided details of the plan as the estimates debate continued in the House of Assembly.

Mr. Griffith mentioned the plan in his introductory remarks as the estimates discussion focused on his ministry but Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Kirk Humphrey, insisted that he provide further details given the attention being given to the state of the stadium.

Mr. Griffith disclosed that the stadium will be rebuilt in two phases in a project being undertaken by the Chinese.

Acting Director of Sports, Emmerson Bascombe, provided an update on the mini-stadia.

Earlier in the debate, Opposition leader Ralph Thorne demanded that government tell the country what it was doing to address what he said were the host of challenges facing the young people in this country.

He alleged that the situation was contributing to a spate of suicides and what he claims is a brain drain that’s reaching crisis proportions.

Opposition leader Ralph Thorne.

In response Youth Minister Charles Griffith spoke of the setting of the setting up of a youth hotline to help suicidal young people and about a mentorship program as well as a series of projects to, in his words, get young people off the blocks.

Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, Charles Griffith.

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